Free 2 Day Delivery Available on Most Orders

Free 2 Day Delivery Available on Most Orders


on the left a forge de laguiole fork and steak knife next to a white plate that contain a salmon dish. on the right 2 forge de laguiole sommeliers one with a white bone handle the other with a black horn handle
5 chiseled laguiole bees and spring- black and white photo


Laguiole French Corkscrews

We have spent over 20 years testing various high-end French-made Laguiole corkscrews and have narrowed down our selection to the brands that we trust the most for their functionality, appearance, and warranty support. Unlike other French brands, these Laguiole corkscrew brands offer a post-purchase service system for warranty claims and offer superior performance. We take pride in managing all warranty & repair claimsfrom within the United States.

What does this mean for you?If you purchase a Laguiole corkscrew from us and encounter any issues, you can send it to us for service rather than having to ship it all the way to France and back. We send corkscrews and knives for warranty or repair services to France monthly, saving our valued customers approximately $50 in shipping costs. All corkscrews and knives are shipped and personalized from our location in Jacksonville, Florida.

We have spent over 20 years testing various high-end French-made Laguiole corkscrews and have narrowed down our selection tothe brands that we trust the mostfor their functionality, appearance, and warranty support. Unlike other French brands, these Laguiole corkscrew brands offer a post-purchase service system for warranty claims and offer superior performance. We take pride in managing all warranty & repair claims from within the United States.

You'll Love Our Free Engravings.

You'll Love Our Free Engravings.

Our engraving service for inner handles was initially dismissed as trivial, but it has gained significant popularity since its introduction in 2019. Now, five years later, we have received an overwhelming number of requests from customers who want to add a unique and subtle personal touch to their knives or corkscrews. 

We have been engraving high-end cutlery for over two decades, and with more than 130,000 engraved knives and corkscrews under our belt, we take pride in our work and strive to delight our customers. What's more, most of our engravings are completely free and shipped on the same day. You can choose from our discreet vintage diamond engraving or highly recommended state-of-the-art fiber laser for a more prominent appearance. 

Please visit our shipping scheduled during the weeks preceding Christmas or Father's Day for an up to date schedule.

*All engraved orders placed before 4 PM Eastern time Monday thru Friday are shipped same day.

Our engraving service for inner handles was initially dismissed as trivial, but it has gained significant popularity since its introduction in 2019. Now, five years later, we have received an overwhelming number of requests from customers who want to add a unique and subtle personal touch to their knives or corkscrews. 

We have been engraving high-end cutlery for over two decades, and with more than 130,000 engraved knives and corkscrews under our belt, we take pride in our work and strive to delight our customers. What's more, most of our engravings are completely free and shipped on the same day. You can choose from our discreet vintage diamond engraving or highly recommended state-of-the-art fiber laser for a more prominent appearance. 

Please visit our shipping scheduled during the weeks preceding Christmas or Father's Day for an up to date schedule.

*All engraved orders placed before 4 PM Eastern time Monday thru Friday are shipped same day.